Create a QR-Code now. Easy, safe and free.

Enter the URL you want to have as QR-Code. You can type in any Web-URL with HTTP or HTTPS. No tracking. No worries.
Download your QR-Code as PNG image. Feel free to to have a testrun with your Smartphone now. If you don't trust in downloads, take a screenshot of the displayed QR-Code once it's generated.
This service is brought to you by a small company located in Germany. Say thank you to GmbH. Imprint | Privacy Policy

Imprint and privacy policy are available in German language only. In short: no tracking, no stored data, no worries.

If you're interested in fantastic business solutions. Just let us know.
If you want to integrate dynamically created QR-Codes in your website, you can use this HTML-Code. Replace [URL] with an encoded URL-String you want to have.